Things can go wrong with your ears at times, either gradually or suddenly. When you experience hearing problems, it can be worrisome. At times some people who experience conductive hearing loss and can be medically treated can restore their hearing. However, when a person begins to encounter sensorineural hearing loss, it is, unfortunately, a permanent experience. Some face both types of hearing loss at the same time. To understand what type of hearing loss and the severity you may be experiencing, it is essential to go and see a hearing instrument specialist (HIS). A HIS should not be mistaken with an audiologist who may refer you to one. They are qualified professionals who evaluate you and help you understand what kind of hearing loss is occurring, including providing a fit with the best type of hearing aid most suitable for you. The following reasons help you identify whether a HIS is right for you.

Hearing Tests Needed

To avoid further hearing loss, it’s essential to understand what you are experiencing and whether you may need a HIS. Having been a part of a particular occupation, enduring a head or ear injury and being above a certain age, such as 50 or 60, may increase the chances of encountering hearing loss. If it is determined that you will need to go to a HIS, then you may be screened or tested in a soundproofed studio. Usually, people who are in certain occupations require screenings as a safety precaution. This is to evaluate whether a hearing test is necessary. Signs of hearing loss that you may need to watch out for to determine whether it is time to make an appointment to get your hearing checked are listed as follows:

  • Inability or difficulty to hear people in noisy places or where there is background noise.
  • Hearing noises that others cannot hear or experience constant ringing in your ears.
  • You miss parts of what people have been saying and need them to repeat constantly.
  • Talking on the cellphone can become complicated when you cannot hear some of what is being said.
  • Hearing loss suddenly and rapidly deteriorates.
  • The sounds that you hear seem to come from different directions and you cannot pinpoint where it’s coming from.

Hearing Aid Devices

If a hearing aid is required, the HIS will need to confer with you based on the testing revealed. Hearing aids that are appropriate for you will be chosen and fitted to your ear accordingly. An ear impression is required for fittings to ensure that the correct dimensions of your ear are taken. The hearing aids would then be developed and sent to you. Advice on how to care for items, use them and return them would be provided to you. HIS personnel are trained to repair, maintain and replace equipment. Before deciding whether to replace your hearing aids, another test is usually performed to ensure that your hearing has not deteriorated over time.