Hearing loss can be managed in a variety of ways, the most common method being the use of hearing aids. But there are so many types of hearing aid in the world today, so how can you make sure you are using the right one? Your hearing care provider should always be your go-to for this, but it’s useful to have your own knowledge on the subject too. Some kinds of hearing aid are known as canal-worn, because they fit inside the ear canal itself. While there are many advantages to this type of hearing aid, the important question is: are they right for you?

What are canal-worn hearing aids?

First, let’s look briefly at the matter of what canal-worn hearing aids actually are. Only by understanding what they are can we really know whether they are the right choice. Canal-worn refers to any hearing aid which fits directly in the ear canal, including in-the-canal (ITC) styles and completely-in-the-canal (CIC) styles. These are often considered a more modern kind of hearing aid, but the simple fact is that they are not for everyone, and you need to work out which is the right kind for you.

The benefits of canal-worn hearing aids

There are significant benefits to canal-worn hearing aids which you should consider. These include:

  • Smaller
  • More discreet
  • Easier to manage and to handle
  • Able to host a variety of functions
  • Comfortable
  • Less feedback than other types

These benefits are clearly there, but the question remains: are canal-worn hearing aids right for you?

Are canal-worn hearing aids right for you?

In general, those who use canal-worn hearing aids will need to be okay with having something in the ear rather than outside of the ear. Most people won’t find any problems there, but it is something to be aware of as you make your decision. You should also note that canal-worn hearing aids may be slightly more fiddly than other kinds of hearing aid when it comes to cleaning them. Therefore, if you have any issues with dexterity, you might want to reconsider and instead go for another kind of hearing aid which you might find easier to keep clean and properly maintained. However, again, most people won’t have any problems here. If you are particularly keen to keep your hearing aid discreet, then canal-worn hearing aids are certainly going to be the right choice for you, at least for that reason. You won’t have to think about the possibility of anyone seeing the hearing aid, if that is a possibility that concerns you. You will also be able to enjoy an altogether more comfortable kind of hearing aid, which can be useful to consider for many hearing aid wearers. As you can see, there is a lot to consider before you decide whether to wear a canal-worn hearing aid. But in making your decision, be sure to spend some time consulting your personal hearing care professional. They will be more than happy to talk you through your options.