Hearing Aid Repair & Maintenance

Modern hearing aids have a lot of small electronic components. Features like Bluetooth or rechargeable batteries are considered the norm for most hearing aids. During the fitting, a hearing care provider will stress the importance of proper device maintenance. But even if the user keeps up with their devices, there is still a chance it will break down.

The hearing professionals at Life Hearing & Tinnitus Health Centers are able to assess hearing aid damage and provide repairs. When hearing aids aren’t functioning properly, there are a number of important factors to consider.

Why hearing aids break down

Earwax is one of the biggest reasons hearing aids break down. Blockages caused by the overabundance of wax can be hard to get off of a small hearing aid. Devices that sit in the canal will get the worst of it, making them much harder to get 100 percent clean. Other causes of harm are water damage or forcing batteries in the wrong way. This is a small sample of what can go wrong, but only scratches the surface- electronic components will degrade over time without proper maintenance.

Can they be repaired at home?

Cleaning a hearing aid is a painless process that takes no time at all. If the problem is related to it needing to be cleaned, then the repair can be done at home. Sometimes cleaning outside of the regular schedule is needed to keep a hearing aid running at 100 percent capacity. Having a small cleaning kit handy is a good idea, especially when traveling. For non-cleaning issues, it could be related to the battery. If the batteries are inserted correctly and fully charged, then getting help from a professional is the next step.

Getting your hearing aid repaired

Minor repairs can be done onsite without needing to send off the product. Once a professional takes a closer look at the problem, they can determine how severe the damage is. When the damage is beyond the scope of minor repairs, then the patient’s hearing aid is sent off to the manufacturer. A timeline is set on when the device will be repaired, and from there a professional makes temporary arrangements for the client. Up to date warranties play a big role, but even without one a small fee can be used to cover the repair.

Clients that received their fitting from a different office can still get hearing aid repairs if they are currently a patient at Life Hearing & Tinnitus Health Centers. There is nothing wrong with bringing a hearing aid into the office for repair, and in the end it is a real timesaver.