When you get a hearing aid fitted, there will be many questions and perhaps a few concerns floating around your mind. You might wonder if the procedure will be uncomfortable, if it will be covered by your insurance, and whether or not there are any follow up appointments you should be attending.

Today, we want to talk you through some of the common questions you can ask to your hearing aid fitter to put your mind at ease as well as to ensure that you know all of the facts before you get it fitted.

1. Will it hurt?

A common question people might ask, particularly if you have an in-the-ear (ITE) hearing aid fitted, is whether it will hurt. When a professional performs a hearing aid fitting, it should not cause physical pain or discomfort. You might feel a little bit of pressure in your ear; however, this should not be painful at all and won’t take long to finish.

Of course, it is important to remember that different procedures are required for different types of hearing aid, with some being more invasive than others. But no, getting a hearing aid fitting should not hurt. You can however tell your audiologist if anything ever feels uncomfortable, and they will try to be more cautious.

2. Will my insurance cover hearing aid fitting?

A very common question to ask for your health insurance is whether or not it will cover your hearing aid fitting. Many policies are updating their offerings to include more hearing health services, but this still varies based on provider. Talk to your insurance to learn more about what services they cover when it comes to your hearing care needs.

3. How do I care for my hearing aid?

It is incredibly important when you go to see your hearing aid specialist for a fitting that you take some time to find out how to care for it. Caring for your hearing aid is so important, and it will ensure that your hearing aid stays functioning for as long as possible, giving you the best quality of hearing for longer. The care and maintenance of a hearing aid is crucial and you should take the time to ask a few smaller sub-questions that will encompass the proper care of your hearing aid:

  • How do I insert it?
  • How do I use it?
  • How often shall I clean it?
  • What do I do if it malfunctions?

Once you understand the basics of care for your hearing aid, you will be able to schedule this into your day and start to perform a maintenance routine that will keep your hearing aid working for longer.

4. Are there any follow-up appointments?

In most cases, you won’t need a follow-up appointment as long as the hearing aid has been fitted properly. There might be a follow-up if you notice any issues with your hearing aid; however, so be aware of this.

Tags: faqs, hearing aid fitting, hearing aid usage tips